Red Snapper - An Official Web site of Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Reporting Red Snapper?
Recreationally caught red snapper landed in Alabama are required to be reported by one representative from the vessel with red snapper. The landing report must be submitted prior to the fish being offloaded from the vessel or, if the vessel is trailered, prior to the vessel being removed from the water.
Reporting Reef Fish?
Recreationally caught reef fish landed in Alabama are required to be reported by one representative from the vessel. The data required for reef fish is the same data required for red snapper reporting. Depending upon the season, information for one or both species of listed reef fish may be entered but only one confirmation code will be returned once the report is successfully submitted to DCNR.
What is the format for a Vessel Identification?
Either state registered or Coast Guard documentation number.
State Registered format: SS-9999-XX.
SS: two letter state abbreviation code.
9999: four digits
XX: two letters
State Registered format: SS-999-XXX.
SS: two letter state abbreviation code.
999: three digits
XXX: three letters
Coast Guard documentation number either 6 or 7 digits.
How can I see the reports I have submitted for my vessel?
The landing report contains all vessel reports submitted during the current calendar year for vessel(s) associated with your account.  You first need to establish an account by contacting the Alabama Marine Resources Division, 251-968-9702.  If you operate a charter vessel, you will need to provide your name as it appears on the vessel registration, your vessel identification number (USCG documentation number or state registration number). seafood vessel ID, and your captain identification number (Merchant Mariner Credential Reference Number).  For owners of private vessels, you will need to provide your vessel registration number and the Conservation ID number found on your fishing license.
Once an account is established, captains of charter vessels can search for landings records associated with their vessel by entering the charter vessel identification number and their captain identification number.
The landing report displays "Conservation ID not associated with any Vessel Registrations.", how do I get my private fishing vessel associated to my Conservation ID?
Contact the Alabama Marine Resources Division, 251-968-9702. You will need to provide your vessel identification number (USCG documentation number or state registration number)  and the Conservation ID number found on your fishing license.
The landing report displays "Maximum Attempts Reached" and I put in the correct information.  How do I get this fixed?
Your account may not exist or does not match the information from your DCNR License purchase, contact the Alabama Marine Resources Division at 251-968-9702 to verify your name as it appears on the vessel registration, your vessel identification number (USCG documentation number or state registration number). seafood vessel ID, and your captain identification number (Merchant Mariner Credential Reference Number).

Report Marine Fisheries Violations: (251) 476-1256
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources © 2025 |   64 N. Union Street, Suite 468 - Montgomery, Alabama 36130